Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A themeless blog, is an unproductive blog.

Okay, I promise I'm not here to cry on the internet's big, collective shoulder about my hopes and fears this time. I literally have no idea where this particular blog is going...how exciting. Really. Can't you tell how excited I am? I mean...LOOK AT ME. LOOK AT ALL THESE CAPITAL LETTERS. SURELY THAT EXPRESSES SOME MEASURE OF EXTREME EMOTION.

Or I just start this off looking like a tool. Hellz yeah.

So after leaving this to settle for about a week or so, I find myself on a Luas again. Rush hour commuters, I dislike you, should've stayed in college for another hour. Ah well, I have a seat, so all is well.
One of the things I dislike the most about the Luas at this time is that there are too many people for me to properly observe, so I can't take guesses as to what their story might be.

*sigh* Internet, give me sympathy. No particular reason why, I'm just feeling off today and would appreciate some sympathy. Or a cuddle. I'd like that.

I should probably have given this thing a theme, or I'll start running out of ideas fairly quickly...
CSC Ball is tomorrow, so I am very much looking forward to that brightening up my week. Getting drunk with rest of Comedy soc is usually a wonderful adventure.

This Friday, the 9th of March, brings with it the release of the third and final installment in the Mass Effect trilogy and I cannot wait. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you probably don't even want to know, so just skip all this. Seriously though, cannot wait, I've had it preordered and fully prepaid since mid-August, and that's pretty much 8 months ago now. EXCITEMENT!

Nerdgasm over, for fear of any of you losing interest. This is a surprisingly uneventful Luas ride. Normally, SOMETHING happens.
Bahahahaaa, there's a whole section of the Luas on the opposite side of the tracks at Dundrum in which all of the passengers are sound asleep.

Only a few stops away from the scobies' favourite spot. They're a barrel of laughs. Classic quotes (with translations):
- Me motser wuz givin' me head las noyt and she choked on me knob. - As I was receiving oral pleasure from my regular sexual on the eve just gone, she appeared to be suffering somewhat from the hypothetical length of my penis penetrating the back of her throat. I am actually an incredibly insecure individual, and fear being rejected by my peers should they discover that my penis lacks any real length or girth. partner
- Heeeeeeeoooor mayt, can Ok see yer phowin? - Good sir, might I perchance take a look at your portable telecommunication device so that I may begin my career as a petty thief?
- Yis drinkin' tonyt boyiiz? Giz a can derr! - Shall you fine gentlemen be indulging in several alcoholic beverages on this fine evening? I wish to be so bold as to demand a small vessel full, so that I might share said alcohol amongst my peers, achieve a heightened state of intoxication and perhaps engage in awkward carnal acts with a girl who may or may not be my cousin. Or my sister. Due to my lack of general knowledge or a proper education, I am unaware of the concept of contraception, and shall likely enter fatherhood at the ripe old age of 11.

I'm actually gonna leave it there, I had wayyyy too much fun with that.

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