Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm so bad at this. Early morning is no time for blogging.

I really am bad at this. I'm terribly neglectful of this thing, it's not wonder it constantly falls into a state of disrepair. But, now that summertime is upon us, surely I'll have more time on my hands with which to blabber on about whatever shite I might like.

Not that I feel things have gotten bad enough for me to talk about the weather or anything, but seriously, this heatwave is deliciously wonderful. Except when hungover. No, when hungover, it's the very last thing I want. Other than that, it's so pleasant to actually have a summer. YAY FOR SUNSHINE AND LOLLIPOPS AND OTHER SUCH WONDROUS THINGS!

4:14am is not the time for blogging. Nor is it the time for anything interesting on Facebook. But I can't sleep, so I figured I might as well do something semi-productive. Now that I've finished my second year of college (halfway through my degree, that's kind of scary), I have nothing particularly productive to do until I go jobhunting, which I should really start doing soon. Back to the point I was trying to make about college. I mean, I know "time flies when you're having fun" and other cheesy stuff like that, but these past two years have flown by terrifyingly quickly. I don't feel two years away from graduating from Trinity. It's certainly been an interesting two years, that much at least I can say. Ups and downs, but sure isn't that what life is all about. Mam told me recently not to take life too seriously, or I won't stop to enjoy it. She may have just meant it in passing, but it's something I've really taken to heart, I need to stop worrying about where my friends or I myself may be a month, a year, a decade from now. Main point: I need to stop worrying.

Jesus, I've already run out of steam. I'll come back to this.

I'm back (about a week later). I'm just gonna end this for the sake of having something thrown up, it's been ages. Life lesson of the post?

Be careful. You'll probably come to regret a lot of decisions you make in life. I'm not one to live by a "no regrets" mentality. I've done a lot of things I regret, too much I wish I could take back, but unfortunately, time travel isn't really on the agenda.

HOWEVER, regretting does not mean worrying and letting your decisions weigh you down. Get on with it. Sure, you might make some enemies or lose some friends along the way, but isn't that what we call experience?

Bleak end to a boring post, my apologies. I'll try and do better next time so that this thing doesn't spiral away into a shitstorm of nonsense. Good night.